Wednesday, September 21, 2011

You Freak

Well, as promised in the last blog, I haven't updated because nothing too thrilling has happened. I just had my 15 month appointment, and I was called a freak =) And I liked it! Doctor R saw me, looked at all my stats and said I was a "freak, who keeps getting better each and every time". I like that. Afterall, it means there may be even more good things to come. I have been feeling better lately-even though I'm spread thin with time.
I seem to be volunteering everywhere with everything. I love it though, and sometimes I think that's the reason God left me here to finish "my work". Henry has started (and almost completed) his Therapy Dog training. It's been a rough road with him however, as he is still slightly skiddish of strangers. But in last night's class he made tremendous progress with letting strangers pet him-he even was wagging his tail!! He has one more class and one more visit, and if he passes, he'll be our second therapy dog! And in January we'll get Liberty trained =) Very proud of the hard work Jon and I have done with the 3. I also have been volunteering with a "Pet Parade/party" that will be coming in October. There's a golf tournament at the end of this month (in memorium of a friend Alison, who lost her battle with CF 6 years ago). And then Hadassah is still in my life. I even got some time to help a family friend who is a lawyer, so I'm really expanding my horizons.
Jon is still working a lot, but has been able to back off since they hired some help for him.So I see my hubby more now =) (ironic, he's working late tonight!)
And more good news, a friend 'A', just got new lungs last night, and is ALREADY off the vent! I mean, talk about a tough cookie! I hope he's enjoying each breath right now. I pray for the donor's family, and thank them-they gave a young boy his father back =)
As I talk about A, it brings me to mention some things that had been bothering me. I have some friends who have VERY similar situations to mine (health wise), who seem to not care enough to watch what they do. Why drink? One drink-every now and then, I understand (sort of.) But every "event" and multiple drinks, just makes no sense. I had ONE drink-and I felt SO VERY guilty, the next day I beat myself up for it. I worry they don't realize the damage their doing to their body. Not only are the meds not going to be as effective, but what about their organs?! Seriously, someone didn't die to have you destroy the gift they gave you. I'm not perfect by any means, but when I don't do something "required" its generally because there is a true situation prohibiting me. I get so frustrated, and truly, its none of my business what others decide to do to their body, but grow up. Alcohol does not make a party, you does. The people/person I'm referring to will know I'm referring to them I'm sure, because they'll feel some guilt. I just think about my donor's sacrafice and it makes leaving the drink a-okay.
Ok, off my soap box and into bed. It's early but I have so many hours of sleep to catch up on I don't feel bad =) Good night and be grateful...

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